- The target industry:
- All
- Machinery manufacturing
- Resource processing industry
- Electronics manufacturing
- Textile industry
- other
- In the area:
- All
- 北京
- 天津
- 河北
- 山西
- 内蒙古
- 辽宁
- 吉林
- 黑龙江
- 上海
- 江苏
- 浙江
- 安徽
- 福建
- 江西
- 山东
- 河南
- 湖北
- 湖南
- 广东
- 广西
- 海南
- 重庆
- 四川
- 贵州
- 云南
- 西藏
- 陕西
- 甘肃
- 青海
- 宁夏
- 新疆
- 台湾
- 香港
- 澳门
- Year of organization:
- All
- 2025Years
- 2026Years
- 2027Years
- 2028Years
- 2029Years
- 2030Years
- Holding Month:
- All
- 1Month
- 2Month
- 3Month
- 4Month
- 5Month
- 6Month
- 7Month
- 8Month
- 9Month
- 10Month
- 11Month
- 12Month
- The selected conditions:
Exhibition time:2023-10-10 - 2023-10-13
Hold the pavilion:深证会展中心
The exhibition city:深圳
Subordinate to the industry: Resource processing industry Machinery manufacturing
Exhibition time:2023-04-19 - 2023-05-21
Hold the pavilion:山东国际会展中心(西部新馆)
The exhibition city:济南
Subordinate to the industry: Resource processing industry
Exhibition time:2023-03-01 - 2023-03-03
Hold the pavilion:中国进出口商品交易会展馆
The exhibition city:广州
Subordinate to the industry: Resource processing industry
Exhibition time:2022-11-15 - 2022-11-17
Hold the pavilion:深圳国际会展中心
The exhibition city:深圳
Subordinate to the industry: Resource processing industry
Exhibition time:2022-11-09 - 2022-11-12
Hold the pavilion:深圳国际会展中心
The exhibition city:深圳
Subordinate to the industry: Resource processing industry Electronics manufacturing
Exhibition time:2022-11-01 - 2022-11-03
Hold the pavilion:深圳会展中心
The exhibition city:深圳
Subordinate to the industry: Resource processing industry